DC Smart City Initiative

Muriel Bowser, Mayor

What is a Smart City Project?

The global community is gearing up for the next generation Internet of Things (IoT) technology which will dramatically increase the number of connected devices in the District. These sensors will enable a more accurate representation of our environment through real-time data collection, and thus, significantly increasing autonomy and efficiency.

The Smart City proof of concept projects while focused on delivering more immediate priorities in areas of Economic Development, Transportation, Energy, Environment and Urban Planning, indirectly influences long-term city planning and operations.

Smart City proof of concept projects involve twelve areas organized into three groups. Planning and management: public safety, governemt and agency administration, city planning and operations, and building management. Infrastructure: energy and environment, water, and transportation. Citizen focused: education healthcare, and social programs.

The featured projects show examples of Smart City projects in progress across various parts of the District and led by various District agencies.


Glossary of Terms

  • A glossary term

    To add glossary terms, edit the glossary.yaml file in the _data folder.

  • Another term

    Glossary terms need a term, slug, and definition attribute. The term attribute will appear above the definition. The slug is a unique identifier for the term. It should be lowercase, with no special characters or punctuation, and any spaces replaced with a dash.

  • Yet another term

    Want to link to a specific glossary term in your text, like this one here? You will need to edit your markdown like so:

    [this one here](#glossary){:define="yet-another-term"}

    Just place the text you want linked in the brackets and the correct slug within the quotes.